Mittelalterliches Oster-Spectaculum auf Schloss Burgk

Kategorie: Mittelaltermarkt
Ort: Altburgk 61
01705 Freital
Jetzt Route berechnen
Termin(e): 01.04.2024 - 01.04.2024

Karsamstag-Ostermontag 10-19 Uhr. Burgk Castle Medieval Spectacle: For the 22nd time, knights, noblewomen, jugglers, musicians, singers, craftsmen, chefs, and cupbearers will be waiting for you on the almost 500-year-old site near Dresden. A unique Easter celebration for the whole family. Visitors from near and far are cordially invited to enjoy three days of resurrecting old times.
Numerous craftsmen will vividly showcase their skills and offer their wares. There will be plenty of food and drink.
Entertainment will be provided by knight tournaments, minstrels, and various children's activities. The highlight: Many of the children's activities are free of charge, which is unique in Germany!
NEW: 3 for 1 - The ticket is valid for all days. Pay once, come back anytime (with a stamp).
Admission: €10 per person, €6 reduced (children from 5 years old, students, disabled). Children shorter than a sword's length enter for free (children up to 4 years old). Parking is available in the surrounding area and at the Oskarshausen PP.

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